Parody Songs
It all started with the Open House Song. Based on the ear worm music of Baby Shark. You'll like mine better! I write lyrics.
Dave Abulario sings and records my lyrics. I then conceptualize a story and film and edit it. Connor Robbins filmed Open House, TJ McCormick filmed most of I'm a Belizer. I edited it (never again). Work it out was animated by Margie Bentovoja, the vocals are by Renee Abulario, Real Estate Referrals was filmed and edited by Ray Tee as was Send me an Offer, Flip it and Commission Impossible. More songs to come. I am working on my next one about Long Beach. Please subscribe to Janet Darrow Realtor, my YouTube Channel for more helpful and fun videos.
Click on the photos to play the music videos, Crank up the sound.
Commission Impossible is very topic and deals with the Commission Lawsuits which are shaking up the way that commission are now to be paid. I'm happy to do a dive with my clients on how these new changes affect them and strategies to do well with real estate despite the changes.
My 72SOLD Song